Online Behavior Training

Free Online Training - Multiple Languages

Free Online Training - Multiple Languages

Training for Parents

ADEPT (Autism Distance Education Parent Training) Interactive Learning is an original MIND Institute/CEDD 10-lesson interactive, self-paced, online learning module providing parents with tools and training to more effectively teach their child with autism and other related neurodevelopmental disorders functional skills using applied behavior analysis (ABA) techniques.

Power Point- online

Small Cost to Pay for Excellent Training

Small Cost to Pay for Excellent Training

Institute for Behavior


For busy professionals, teachers, and parents, our online courses can be completed anytime, anywhere.


With online video courses and functionality on Apple and Android devices, we take full advantage of the latest technology.


Our eLearning courses are designed and presented by expert BCBAs and based on the most up-to-date research.


Our extensive programs cover a diverse range of topics, and we are continually adding new trainings to meet evolving needs.


We keep our prices low, offering professionals, educators and family members an affordable way to advance their careers and improve their understanding of autism.

Supporting Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Home and Community:


The on-line series on Positive Behavioral Supports:

Modules 1a & 1b provide information and overview about the principles and application of Positive Behavioral Supports; the remainder focus more on how to develop and write Functional Assessments and Positive Behavioral Support Plans.

Provider Training Opportunities hosted by both DDA and Residential providers.

Behaviors – Help! My Kid’s Behavior is Out of Control!


Assistive Technology


Cerebral Palsy Resources