Dungeon and Dragons

Bring your imagination and your friends! ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ takes Voyagers on adventures through a magical land full of fantastic beasts and daring explorers. Once a week, a group of 4 or 5 meets with the Dungeon Master who leads them through the week's adventure. During the course of the session, they’ll be encouraged to use their social skills and make lasting friendships.

DnD is typically a 9 week campaign. Participants will be able to create their character and then role play within the designed campaign. There will also be additional DnD related activities twice a Month such as painting miniatures, etc.

Therapists Are Prescribing Dungeons and Dragons Now

A recent article came out explaining the benefits of Dungeons and Dragons and roleplaying games on children and adults. The article explains “role-playing games can be an effective way to build social skills, work with those on the autism spectrum, process past trauma…” (Stillman 2022).

  • Jake Boneck

    Dungeon Master


    Jake Boneck is the Social Skills Teacher and Faciliatory. He has his Bachelors Degree in Elementary Ed/Special Ed and his Masters Degree in Education Admin.

    Cell: (224)829-8414

    Email: jakeb@arcoftricities.com

  • Talen Dixon

    Dungeon Master


    Talen Dixon is attending Hanford High School. He has helped with various programs with The Arc for years including Buddy Club, Partners N Pals, etc.
