How do I show that I have epilepsy as an eligible condition?
In order to be considered for eligibility under the condition of epilepsy you must be age four or older and have a diagnosis of epilepsy or a neurological condition that produces seizures.
(1) You must show evidence that your epilepsy or seizure disorder originated prior to age eighteen and is expected to continue indefinitely.
(2) The diagnosis must be made by a board certified neurologist and be supported with documentation of medical history with neurological testing.
(3) You must provide confirmation from your physician or neurologist that your seizures are currently uncontrolled and ongoing or recurring and cannot be controlled by medication.
If I have epilepsy, how do I meet the definition of substantial limitations?
If you have an eligible condition of epilepsy, in order to meet the definition of substantial limitations, you must have documentation of an adaptive skills test score that reflects your daily functioning of more than two standard deviations below the mean as described in WAC 388-823-0740 and subject to all of WAC 388-823-0740 and 388-823-0750.